Coronavirus Update
Our Office’s Safety Precautions
We hope and pray that you and your family are in good health! As we navigate through this unprecedented time in our history together, we look forward to seeing you all again!
While many things have changed in our lives over the past few months, our commitment to your safety has not. In order to help prevent the transmission of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19, as well as other infectious diseases, infection control has always been a top priority for our practice. Our infection control procedures are made, so that when you receive care, it is both safe and comfortable.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow the activities of these agencies to make sure our infection control procedures are current to any new guidelines that may be issued.
Our staff will be equipped with N95 and KN95 masks that are FDA approved, and face shields.
We have made some changes for you next appointment to help protect our patients and our staff.
Before arriving to our office:
Please fill out this form before your appointment - COVID-19 Screening Form
Please take your temperature
Limit the extra companions, if possible, on your trip into the office
If you have any of the following symptoms:
shortness of breath
loss of sense of smell or taste
dry cough
sore throat
runny nose
OR if you have been in contact recently with someone who has these symptoms OR has had COVID-19, please RESCHEDULE your appointment, until a proper quarantine time has passed.
We will ask you to wait in your car, until we call or text you, or wave you in for your appointment
Please limit the amount of personal belongings you bring inside of the office with you
When you arrive:
Appointments will be managed to allow social distancing between patients.
We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting time and reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
We will take your temperature with an infrared thermometer (no contact with your skin)
We will ask you to use hand sanitizer
We will have you sign our screening consent form
We will ask you to rinse with a diluted peroxide solution (1.5%), unless an allergy is present, prior to your procedure.
How can you prevent the contracting and spread of COVID-19?
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you do not have access to soap and water, use alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Maintain at least a 6 feet distance from others
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Do not use your hands.
Stay at home if you feel unwell, and be in contact with your medical provider.
Thank you for being our patient! We look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors and friends! If you have any questions, please give us a call. Stay healthy!